Statewide Support

Aug. 2, 2017


Trust in the Future

The Enhance Hamilton County Foundation is one of the Community Foundation's 40 county and community foundation affiliates that is working to improve quality of life in their region through charitable giving.  Darcy Swon, the Enhance Hamilton County Foundation development director, shares their local impact and how their partnership with the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines has allowed them to create change in their county.

In late 2015 the Enhance Hamilton County Foundation was given a gift by an anonymous donor with one simple request, the monies had to be used to improve the quality of life in that specific community. The donor left the decision up to the Foundation on how to distribute the funds as they trusted our judgement and knew the Foundation would maximize the use of the monies to create a positive and lasting impact.


So, when you ask about the impact that the Enhance Hamilton County Foundation has had on the communities within Hamilton County, this example of trust and respect comes to mind.


This has not happened over night. The Enhance Hamilton County Foundation has been an affiliate partner of the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines since late 2005 and operates with a completely volunteer Affiliate Advisory Board.


The relationships that we are cultivating and the impact we are making on Hamilton County would not be possible without our partnership with the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines. The resources and expertise available to assist us with our charitable donor needs is tremendous.


For instance, without our partnership, the Webster Theater would not have been re-opened as quickly. They worked diligently to assist us with a plan to provide resources to this non-profit organization to use charitable donations for funding. The theater is now a focal point of our community. It recently received national recognition when Square chose to do a documentary on Webster City and focused on the revival of the theater. In addition, this organization is looking to take on another venture to provide access to the arts and entertainment within our county.


This is just one example of many of how our partnership has not only assisted charitable donors with resources and opportunities to make a difference, but the projects in themselves have positively impacted our county and will continue to do so in the future.


We believe we are “better together” and the Enhance Hamilton County Foundation strives to work closely with those connected throughout the county as well as other community foundations and the Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines to identify need and to make a positive difference throughout Hamilton County.