Conversations that Count
As we seek to listen, learn and act to make Greater Des Moines a community where all are welcomed; the Community Foundation is convening Conversations that Count. We seek to engage with members of our community who work tirelessly advocating for equity and inclusion to be the strongest threads that weave our community together.
DonorConnect: A Tale of Two Cities
At DonorConnect: A Tale of Two Cities, it was our privilege to learn from Teree Caldwell-Johnson of Oakridge Neighborhood and The Directors Council and Deidre DeJear of Caleo Enterprises and the Financial Empowerment Center about their work around the OneEconomy Report: The State of Black Polk County.
Click here to view the slides from the presentation and click here to view a recording of the session.
DonorConnect: Working for Equity
At DonorConnect: Working for Equity, speakers shared valuable insight into the persistent racial employment gaps that exist in our community and the need to create long-term, sustainable change moving forward. While some systems for support are in place, we learned that workforce disparities faced by Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) communities have remained largely consistent over the years. Panelists reflected on the collaborative effort needed to make systemic change and close the gaps that still exist.
Click here to view the slides from the presentation and click here to view a recording of the session.
DonorConnect: Justice for All
At DonorConnect: Justice for All, we learned from and were challenged by our panelists, Izaah Knox of Urban Dreams, Betty Andrews of the Iowa-Nebraska NAACP and Cheryl Hayes of AMOS. These leaders provided critical insight into the racial inequities that exist in our justice systems and shared information about the programs, advocates and organizations working to move the needle toward a community that ensures justice for all.
Click here to view the slides from the presentation and click here to view a recording of the session.
Continue Learning About Racial Justice
Below are links to podcasts, books, articles and resources provided by our speakers as a place to begin exploring.
Reading Lists
Learn About History
Attend a virtual tour of the "Undesign the Redline" exhibit by the Polk County Housing Trust Fund Wednesdays at 1 p.m.
Use the 4Equity Tool and Ask Others to Do the Same
These 4 reflective questions can drive action in racial equity. Consider where you can use it and how you can share the 4 Equity Tool.
Engage in Policy Discussions
Organizational policies to legislative action require engagement.